Wedding in Colorado Springs

Img_0007We just got back today from a short trip to Colorado Springs for the wedding of a good friend of Heather’s. We left on Friday and spent most of the day at the SLC airport. Being that it was Labor Day weekend I guess a lot of other non-rev’s decided to travel on Friday as well, so we didn’t make it on our original intended flight and had to hang out at the airport for a couple hours. But we finally did make it to Colorado Springs that afternoon in time for the dinner on the eve of the wedding. It was the first time Heather and I met the groom and he seems like a really great guy.

On Saturday morning we went to a local gym and did a spin class. I was worried about what kind of instructor we would have, but the instructor was really good. You can tell she rides and didn’t have us do any wacky things that most aerobics-turned-spin-instructors do that have nothing Img_0030to do with cycling. The rest of the day was filled with the wedding, a reception, then an informal family and friends dinner. We were able to meet a lot of people and it was fun socializing, which is something we don’t do often enough.

On Sunday we went to the gym again for a lift and some cardio then packed up and headed home. We made all of our flights and we thought that we’d be home early in the afternoon. But after taxiing from our departure gate, the plane stopped nowhere near the runway. The pilot came on and said that a fire alarm went off in SLC’s main control tower but they didn’t see any fire or smoke, so they were in the process of investigating. In the meantime, they were setting up another control tower at a satellite site, but it took a while. When they finally got the satellite control tower up and running, the first order of business was to get all the flights that were in a holding pattern to land. Finally, we were able to take off and we were back in Boise after a very quick 39-minute flight.

Seems that wherever we go we have some travel issues, always making our trips more memorable! It was a good weekend and Heather and I were able to spend some quality time together. It was the first trip we’ve taken without our bikes in over a year, and it was really nice not having to lug them around with us!