Elite Track Nationals

Img_0422We’re back in sunny southern California at the LA Velodrome, this time for USA Cycling’s Elite Track National Championships. I’m here to support Heather as she competes in the Mass Start Test, Pursuit, Scratch and Points races. Though I’d love to give the pursuit a try, I won’t be able to due to the tight scheduling between the women’s and men’s pursuit. Since we flew in early, we had enough time before open practice to check out the beach. I was able to go for a nice run along the beach while Heather made some business calls at the car. After my run I jumped in the ocean to cool off and while the water was cold, it felt so nice. It reminded me of the one big downside to living in Idaho…no beaches like this!

This evening was open practice for the riders and Heather got some track time in. Tomorrow is the Mass Start Test and since she’s never done it, she’s been practicing the flying start and figuring out what gear she’s going to ride. I don’t know how often I’ll blog, but it looks like FixedGearFever.com is doing live coverage for the event. So if you want to follow along, checkout the race coverage schedule. For full results you can go to USA Cycling’s results page.