Base 3 Training

Eagle, ID — This past week was a good week training-wise. The prior week was a low-volume week as recovery from the Phoenix training camp. This week is the start of Base 3. Base 3 is the last “Base” phase of training before entering the “Build” phases and typically will be the highest volume phase. The hardest efforts during Base are only up to threshold. So I’ve been doing 2x20s and some tempo, but most of my rides are Zone 1-2. It rained a lot this week so I was on the trainer a bit in addition to some cross-training (run, swim, lift, Pilates). This will be the last phase where I’ll be doing this much cross-training because when I enter the build phase, I’ll be almost exclusively on the bike with the exception of 1 lift per week and maybe a Pilates or Yoga class.