Fruits and Veggies

Img_5930I finally got the garden pretty much done for now. I spent a good amount of time last week on it, tilling the soil, weeding around the trees and planting the veggies. After mowing the lawn before we head out today, I was checking out the fruit trees. They’re all looking healthy and each has a lot of fruit starting to develop already, especially the apple tree and the pear tree (pictured). I’ll be keeping on top of them with nutrients and insecticide. I want to make sure we don’t have a lot of worms in the apples like last year. Both plum trees also are doing well and it looks like we’ll have more nectarines and apricots. That shouldn’t be hard since they only produced a couple last year.

Img_59261_1I’ve also been nursing the transplanted strawberry plants, giving them water daily. The transplants are still looking pretty wilted, probably due to the hot weather. But most are developing new leaves, so it looks promising. The tomato plants are also growing well, gaining in height and developing flowers. They should be as tall as I am in no time! So overall the garden and fruit trees are doing pretty well. Hopefully we’ll have a great harvest this year!