fruit trees

Garden Expansion

I didn’t get to write about it this past weekend because I was too busy riding, but last week we made some improvements to our

Bees are Buzzing

It finally feels like spring outside and the bees are out in full force. Seems like the snow the other day didn’t affect our apricot

Oh no…snow!

Just when it seemed like spring was on it’s way, it snowed this morning! This could be really bad as our apricot tree was already

Tree Pruning

Each year pruning our seven fruit trees becomes a progressively larger task. It’s amazing how they grow in just one year! There’s a whole art

Summer Garden

With recent the summer weather, our garden has been growing fast. The tomato plants are doing really well, even the ones I tried to salvage

Name that Tree Disease

Maybe I can harness the power of the web here. Since Typepad does a good job of indexing posts so they show up high in


Spring is officially here and the fruit trees are starting to show it. Our apricot and Pluot trees are both blooming, while the rest are

Fruit Tree Pruning

We have seven fruit trees in our backyard that we planted a few years ago. Since we got them when they were fairly small they

Fruit Harvest

Between the tomato plants and the fruit trees both being in season right now, we came back from our weekend trip to a lot of


What’s a pluot? It’s a cross between an apricot and a plum. We were first introduced to them when we were living in Utah. They’ve

Fruits and Veggies

I finally got the garden pretty much done for now. I spent a good amount of time last week on it, tilling the soil, weeding

Tree Pruning

Eagle, ID — Time for the yearly fruit tree pruning. It’s amazing how much our seven fruit trees grow during the season. We learned that you

Ladybugs are Back

Last year we unleashed 1000 ladybugs to make sure our fruit trees didn’t have an aphid problem. They seemed to work for a little while