Payette Loop

Today I did one of my favorite “long” rides with a few teammates and friends of mine. We started out at 6:30 AM so we could beat the heat and still enjoy the rest of the day. We had six riders at the start and headed west to Middleton. After a brief stop, we continued west towards Wilder, where we turned north to Payette. Three of the riders turned off early for various reasons. After a rest stop at Payette, the remaining three of us headed towards Emmett. We were looking forward to the tailwind we were supposed to have, as we were fighting a headwind most of the way out. It worked out perfectly as the wind didn’t shift and we were able to enjoy the kicking tailwind. Our speed was hovering around 24-26 MPH most of the way home and after climbing Little Freezeout we just kicked it down Hwy 16. It was a beautiful day for a ride and getting 113 miles in before 12:30 PM left the rest of the day to just relax and pack in the carbs!