
Augustflu_1On Tuesday night, I started feeling a little off, but I didn’t think much of it. But when I woke up Wednesday morning I could feel something coming on. My morning temp was 1° above normal (my “normal” is 97.7° taken orally every morning). Then throughout the day, the fever kept increasing, similar to how it did when I got influenza back in December. By 5:00 PM it peaked to almost 4°F above normal! Yup, I got the flu!

Last night was miserable; between the chills and the night sweats, I just couldn’t get any quality sleep. So when I awoke this morning, I felt like a had a hangover! It was a very odd feeling since I haven’t had a hangover since I stopped drinking 15 years ago! But the good news is that Decemberflu_1my temperature was back down to only 1° above normal. Time will tell if it stays down because back in December, my temp went up and down for a period of four days before it finally stayed down.

To hasten my recovery, I’m taking a course of Tamiflu. Since I started it within 24-hours of onset, it should be effective — as long as I truly have the influenza virus. Other than the fever, I really don’t have any other major symptoms. But the sooner I get better, the sooner I can resume training for the last part of my season. Between last week’s crash and now this, things aren’t going so well. But you never know, maybe my body needed a couple shocks to the system, to take it to the next level?!