More LT Work

Even with all my work on the Wattage list yesterday, I still managed to get on the rollers and do a quick ride. I only did a 2×20 session since I knew I’d be doing a harder workout today. During those intervals I was frustrated with hard it was to keep my wattage up. I had backed off my training load this week and my TSB was finally positive for the second day in a row, so I was hoping for great things. Oh, well.

3x20sToday BM and I did the Emmett-Horseshoe Bend loop. Since BM isn’t trying to peak as early as I am, he mostly sat in and I basically did my own thing. I ended up doing three LT intervals and then some tempo up Horseshoe Bend Hill. The first interval was really just a warm-up. I started it at a tempo pace, then decided to push it past FT with five minutes to go. So that’s why the wattage doesn’t look so hot.

The next two I did in Black Canyon. They were much better than yesterday’s LTs, though they hurt just as much. I seem to have more success keeping my power up during LT intervals when riding outdoors. Once we got to Horseshoe Bend, we took a bathroom break at the Chevron then headed up the hill. We rode tempo up the hill then just cruised back down to Eagle. It must have been a good workout because towards the end of the ride, my legs were feeling thrashed. Total time was 3:20 with a TSS of 225.