Snow Arrives

Img_6827_2Ever since Thanksgiving, the weather has been progressively feeling more and more winter-like. Last night we finally had some snow that stuck in the valley, as we discovered when we looked up at our skylight window this morning. So I’m glad participated in the Thanksgiving day ride and put in a good effort since I’ve been stuck indoors these last few days.

After that ride, Heather and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with some friends, and then we spent a big part of the long weekend working on office stuff. But we did take advantage of the long weekend and just chilled out in the evening and watched some movies. I also managed to get some decent workouts in, though they were somewhat short due to being indoors. Since I’m spoiled from the great fall weather we had, right now my indoor limit is about one and half hours. But I’m sure that will grow as we get deeper into winter.