Bogus to Forest Service Sign

20070526cropAs a break from my yard work I went out for a nice ride and headed up Bogus Basin Road. I was planning to do a 1-hour test since it’s been a long time since my last one (December!). I rode tempo on the way in on Hill Rd. Then I started my effort just past the stop sign by the elementary school. For the first half I was targeting 290-300 watts and it wasn’t too hard to do so.

But by the time I got to the Forest Service sign, I could tell my legs were beginning to fade. My wattage was still decent, but I knew wouldn’t be able to hold it for much longer. So rather than suffer through it I decided to turn around. Seems that I can develop some good LT or VO2 power, just not for long or repeatedly. Hmmm…need to figure out what’s going on. At least the weather was perfect and I enjoyed the ride, despite not achieving my goal.