Riding the Road

20070524cropI went on an "easy" ride with Dan yesterday and was happy to see that my wattage was higher than my perceived exertion. So today I went out to do some harder efforts to see how they’d go. I just rode tempo out to Hill Parkway and that felt nice and easy. Then I did a short 3-minute push at threshold, which also felt easy. So then I did a 6-minute VO2 effort up Seamans Gulch Road. It felt about the same as most VO2 efforts, that is hard. The wattage was respectable so I rested for a few minutes and tried another one, but this time on the flats. It started out OK but after two minutes it felt inordinately hard. I ended up quitting after three minutes. So then I just turned around and headed home. So the my ride didn’t go as well as I’d hoped, but it’s nice to be back on the road bike again after a week of mountain biking.