
Img_7219So much for planting tomatoes early!? The other night we had a frost and most of our tomato plants, look like toast…well, actually they look like cooked spinach. I didn’t see any frost/freeze warnings but maybe that’s because plants that aren’t hardy shouldn’t have been planted by now! Oh well, I knew I was chancing it, but the long-term forecast didn’t call for any temps below 41°F.

Since we planted the tomato plants deep (you’re supposed to cover 80% of the plant), I dug out the bottom leaves as best I could, hoping that if they’re exposed, maybe they’ll be enough to rejuvenate the sickly plants. Img_7223Interestingly one plant made it unscathed. It’s the one one closest to the fence. On the other side of the fence the neighbors use rocks as mulch so the rocks must have retained enough heat to keep that plant from freezing overnight.

The good news is that we got our first harvest of strawberries. Only a handful, but with as many plants as we have now come summer we should have a lot.