Testing the Waters

20070503cropToday I tested the waters with some VO2 intervals. I haven’t gone hard all week and felt good enough these last couple days that I figured it’s time to ease back into “real” training. With cooler temps and gusty winds outside I decided to ride the rollers. When doing structured training I actually don’t mind riding indoors, even when it’s nice out. It’s easier to follow the workout protocol when there aren’t any interruptions like you have on the road (intersections, traffic, flats, etc). It’s also convenient…if the workout goes bad, you can quit at any time!

I just did 4×5 minute VO2 intervals with 3-minute recovery. With a day off yesterday, I was actually surprised they went so well. Sometimes I feel flat when I don’t ride the day before a hard workout. My wattage was still lower than usual for these intervals, but I was surprised I was able to complete them all without fading. Although I will say, the last two were getting pretty tough! I kept the entire ride short as I don’t want to do too much, too soon. I’ll be slowly increasing my volume as I get back into it.