
20070712cropSo I’ve been starting to feel better these last couple weeks so today I went out to do a set of 2×20’s. At this point I’ve eased back on my training so much, that I know I’ve lost some fitness. But how much is unknown. I went out and did a nice 20 minute interval on State St towards Middleton (this time no gravel trucks!). Then did another one on the way back on Purple Sage. Since I did my first one at 286 watts, I decided to cut the second one to 15-minutes and do it at the same wattage (versus trying to go for 20 and under-shooting my target).

I approached the second one in “thirds” by shooting for 280 for the first 5 minutes, 285 for the second 5 minutes then 290 for the last five. It was all going as planned until during the last five minutes when I had to detour due to officers at the intersection of Duff and Purple Sage. I actually rode by the officer, who said something but I didn’t hear him, so I turned back. I wasn’t sure if the road was passable so I turned around and asked. But again, I couldn’t hear his answer so I just decided to go up Lansing to Galloway. Later I learned that they were filming an Idaho edition of Extreme Makeover Home Edition down the road…interesting!

AFter the intervals, I just rode easy home, playing it safe. I usually pad these types of workouts with some solid tempo work, but as I’m easing back into things, I decided against it. It was a good thing too as those intervals, despite the low wattage, were pretty hard. I’m still trying to decide whether this was due to loss of fitness versus not entirely being in the clear yet. Only time will telll, but in the meantime I’m making sure I get enough recovery between workouts.