My Favorite Local Ride

20071015cropMy first Emmett-Horseshoe Bend loop of my “official” season and it was great! My plan was to do 2×20 intervals, well really a 1×20 then a 1 x however-long-it-takes-to-get-up-Horseshoe-Bend-hill! But since they were doing construction on Hwy 52, my first one was shortened.

I started the interval at Ola, then came upon a line of cars and a flagger with a stop sign, only 4 minutes into my first interval. So I had to abort, then wait about 10 minutes before they let eastbound traffic through. They’re re-doing the yellow lines on the road and placing a more reflective yellow strip instead of paint. So they had about a 2-mile section highway down to one lane. I was hoping I could re-start the interval when we were allowed to go, but there was a follow vehicle which kept us to 15 MPH!

By the time we got to the the end of the construction, I knew I didn’t have enough road for a 20-minute interval, but I decided to do an abbreviated one, anyway. I hit it as soon as I passed the follow-car and then ended it right before town…14 minutes later. Then I stopped at the Chevron, as usual, and did another interval up Horseshoe Bend hill. That one was just under 29 minutes. So not a bad LT workout day!