November MAP Test

20071115cropToday I did another Maximal Aerobic Power (MAP) test. It’s been almost a month since my last one and despite being off the bike during the cruise, I still wanted to see where I’m at. Because I hate the trainer so much, I decided to try the test on the rollers. Though it’s not advised since you’re going until failure, I figure I’ve ridden rollers so much I wouldn’t have a problem.

20071115mapThe side benefit is that I have a computer in front of the rollers so I could use Richard Stern Training‘s handy MAP test application. It’s just an HTML file (and images) that displays your target wattage based on the ramp rate you specify. It made it much easier to follow the protocol as I didn’t have to pay attention to the clock and add five watts every 15 seconds.

The test went smoothly and I didn’t end up riding off the rollers! The result was 397 watts for the last minute. Only eight more watts than last month but I’ll take it! To make it more of a workout, after spinning for a few minutes I did a 15-minute LT interval. Good workout!