Good Thing We Brought a Trainer

Img_1013So it’s supposed to be warmer down here in southern Utah, but this week it’s not warmer by much! Glad I got my long-ish road ride in on Monday since the temperature has dropped since then. Sure it looks beautiful and sunny out the window, but it’s only the high’s are barely breaking 40°F.

Since Heather loves riding on a trainer, she brought one along with us on our trip. It was a good thing since I also succumbed to riding it as well, though not for very long. Heather, on the other hand managed to complete some tough, long workouts in the middle of the living room while our niece provided constant entertainment.

She got her first “bike” for Christmas along with her first helmet (ok, it’s really a tricycle, but she can’t say that yet). She hasn’t quite got the hang of pedaling the thing, but I’m sure she will quickly. She’s a fast learner. At first she didn’t like her helmet, but once we got it adjusted, she wore it constantly, even when she wasn’t on the bike!

Img_1021When we weren’t riding, Heather and I traded off taking our niece for walks around the neighborhood. It’s fun to see how interested an 18-month old is in even the most mundane things…at least to us boring adults. She loved watching the “wa wa” (water) in the fountain at the entrance of the subdivision. She was tireless running back and forth in the backyard of grandma’s house. It was fun and relaxing spending time with family without much else to do.