Double Day

2008011901cropFelt really good this morning so I decided to do my first structured VO2max workout. I only plan on doing one VO2 workout every couple weeks until the spring. I still have a way to go in increasing my Functional Threshold Power (FTP) so the bulk of my training right now is lactate threshold (LT) workouts. It’s great to have multiple years of power data to go over as I can compare my progress to past seasons and hopefully avoid going too hard, too soon and burning out. I didn’t kill myself on the first couple intervals, so I was sure to complete my planned set of 4 repetitions of 5 minutes each. Though these always hurt, they weren’t too bad for first set of the year.


Later in the day I still had energy and since my training time has been limited during the week, I wanted to get some extra time in. So this afternoon I jumped on the trainer and put in another hour or so of endurance/tempo pace. In total I got 2:20 minutes of saddle time in. That’s a lot of indoor riding for me, but splitting them up made it much more bearable.