
Click to view intervalsAfter yesterday’s tough ride I decided to pile on the climbing and do Bogus today. The weather was perfect for it but my legs were definitely fatigued. I mainly rode in Tempo-land for the climb but it was nice as it got cooler and cooler as I gained altitude.

I turned around where it levels off at the 6,000ft sign and then had fun on the downhill. I passed a couple cars while still in the trees and they didn’t catch me until the hill up to Corrals…not bad! I stopped at the gas station for water and ran into Chip. We chatted and then rode back to Eagle on Hill Road.

Chip is getting ready for a psycho PAC tour. Eighteen back-to-back centuries from Glacier National Park to Texas. Man, that’s a lot of saddle time! But it sounds like he’s ready, his CTL is almost double mine 137 tss/day. Yikes! You can read more about his training and preparation on Chip’s blog.