Four Weeks into Plan

Base1done_3Today wraps up the first period of my 2007 training plan. In a periodized training plan, each week provides a progressive load of training over the prior week by changing volume, intensity or both. After two or three weeks, you need to scale back and allow the body to recover and rest up before starting the next period. It’s kind of like; three steps forward, one step back.

With my focus this year on quality over quantity, I’ve been putting in a lot more time at higher wattage than prior winters. I’m now a major believer in sweet-spot training (SST), which advocates lots of time in Power Levels 3 and 4; developing the aerobic engine and increasing functional threshold (FT). As you can see in my chart, I was able to achieve 900 TSS during the third week with only 15 hours on the bike. I say “only” because, last year, when I was riding more in Level 2, it would have taken me 18 hours to achieve the same TSS. So by increasing intensity, I’ve been able to decrease my training time. Do more with less…you’ve gotta like that!

Every workout I’ve done so far has had a specific training purpose. Just the other day I wanted to see what the TSS was for the usual hour-long route I used to ride so often. After reviewing this month’s workouts, I realized that I hadn’t done that ride—or one like it—since day 1! No sense in riding Level 2 unless you’re going to make it an endurance ride (>2.5 hours). And even then, I’d still include some sort of tempo or threshold work. So I’m really happy with my progress and how I’ve been feeling. I’m looking forward to more of the same for November, probably introducing some Level 5 work by the end of the month.