Back into the Routine

12272006cropAfter a mellow day yesterday catching up on things around the house, then jumping on the trainer for only 20 minutes, today I hit it pretty hard. It was warm outside (~45°F) but as is usually the case in the winter here; when it’s warm, it rains. So I was on the trainer again and did a Level 3/4 workout. Initially, I set out to do another 1-hour test, thinking I’d be ready to put in a good performance since I only had one “real” workout since last week’s attempt. I also wanted to try using a really low cadence to see it would feel. But after 10 minutes of purposely using a lower cadence, I could tell I wouldn’t last an hour and turned it into a 2×20 workout.

I kept the wattage pretty high for the first interval and achieved a respectable 321 watts. I switched to the rollers for the second interval and tried to keep the cadence low, but my legs were really hurting by that point. So I shifted and increased my cadence to around 90…still not near my typical TT cadence of 103. But I figure I should mix it up a little so my body gets used to pushing hard at various RPMs. The second interval wasn’t nearly as good but still decent at 312 watts. After that one, I refilled my bottles and got back on for another 49 minutes of tempo then a short cool-down. Total ride time was an even 2 hours with 153 TSS and 250/267 ave/norm power.