Tempo w/Bursts

12202006cropToday I did a 45-minute tempo interval with sprints every 3 minutes. It was a good workout and I was surprised that the ave power for the interval was 280…creeping into threshold/L4 territory. It was mainly due to the sprints, which on the trainer I was doing at ~600 watts. So I’ll still classify it as a tempo interval. Since it didn’t feel that hard, I think I’ll try a 60-minute test tomorrow. I’m curious as to what my hour-wattage really is. Even if it isn’t that great, it will still be a tough workout. We’re heading to St George for Christmas and we’re not sure we’ll be able to ride there…we’ll probably just do cross-training. Today’s ride was 1hr 5mins and 87 TSS at 253/274 ave/norm power.