VO2 Part 2

20070329cropI did a second VO2 workout this morning and it went better than I thought it would. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to hit my target wattage after yesterday’s intervals. I was shooting for 6×3 minute VO2 intervals with 2 minutes recovery. It was painful, especially doing them indoors, but I cranked them out and finished all six. Then I ate low-fat lunch in hopes of getting out for some tempo later this afternoon. It’s a beautiful day out there with blue skies and light winds, especially compared to yesterday’s wind!


Well I did get out and did an hour and a half of straight tempo, minus a short stop for a flat. It was still a bit windy but not as bad as yesterday. My legs were feeling the intervals I did only a few hours earlier, so my tempo pace felt more like threshold. Overall a great training day!