Peak 1-min MMP

I didn’t workout at all during our trip so today I made up for it. I went out and did a sprint workout and since I was in the area of the Can Ada hill, I decided to have a go at a 1-minute test. This is where I recorded most of my top 1-minute MMPs so it’s become my usual 1-min testing ground.

I felt good going into the hill and started at the mailbox on the right side of the road. I stood for the first 15 seconds or so, then sat for the remainder. I knew I was going well, because after 55 seconds, I was further up the road than I ever before. Although, the20071007peak1min_2re was a tailwind today, so I wasn’t sure if it was due to my power. It wasn’t until I downloaded my ride that I confirmed that I had indeed broken my previous record of 589 watts with 608 watts!

I was really surprised as I had been watching my chronic training load (CTL) plummet lately as I’ve been taking weeks off the bike. But I guess it’s true that short efforts benefit more from a long taper than long efforts. It made me happy that in spite of my functional threshold power (FTP) dropping, I could still break my 1-minute peak power. Now let’s hope it’s not a total inverse relationship! As I work to increase my FTP, I hope my anaerobic work capacity won’t suffer too much!