

Even after the snow turned to rain, our snow banks still look mighty tall!

Shoveling and VO2s

We received yet more snow over the past 24 hours. I estimate it to be another 6″. It took Heather and me almost an hour

Snowbanks next to a driveway

More Snow

The snow keeps coming so the shoveling continues! This is starting to remind us of Utah winters.

Oh no…snow!

Just when it seemed like spring was on it’s way, it snowed this morning! This could be really bad as our apricot tree was already

Snow and 2×20’s

With temperatures reaching the mid-40’s to 50’s lately, the snow we received today was somewhat unexpected. Some really dark clouds rolled into Boise at around

The Snow Keeps Coming

We’re waking up to snow almost daily now and the piles on the sides of our driveway are getting mighty high! I thought it would


Woke up to a beautiful clear sky and fresh snow on the ground. Did some shoveling as part of my warm-up then jumped on the

Moon Crystals

We received a slight dusting of snow last night. The skies cleared by early morning with an almost full moon shining through ice crystals on

First Snow

We woke up to snow and much colder temperatures this morning. Kind of a reality check; it is late November so it had to come