
Img_6744What’s a pluot? It’s a cross between an apricot and a plum. We were first introduced to them when we were living in Utah. They’ve got a juicy and plump texture like a plum but don’t have the sourness that usually comes with a plum. You also get a hint of the apricot taste through the aroma. They’re quite tasty so when we decided to plant fruit trees we searched around to find a pluot tree. We also had to get a Santa Rosa plum tree to pollinate the pluot. This is the first year the tree has produced fruit and this week they started to ripen. All the other fruit trees have a good amount of fruit, but it’ll be a few weeks before we can pick them. So it’s nice to get an early harvest of pluots. I forgot how good they were and now I wish we planted more than one pluot tree!