Tempo Couple

Img_6849_2Just another 2-hour indoor ride today. Heather and I rode at the same time while we watched a movie. She did her entire ride at tempo, whereas I just did an hour of tempo. I made sure I ate more during the ride so my legs didn’t feel weak by the end. But when I got off the bike they felt heavy! Funny how a 2-hour trainer ride can feel so hard on the legs. I guess pedaling non-stop with no coasting at all, really makes a difference. I’ve heard people say that two hours on the trainer is like three on the road. Not sure that’s exactly true, but 2006_12_30cropit is efficient since you completely take downhills, intersections, and flat tires out of the picture. Anyway, riding indoors has other benefits; like being able to eat stuff I normally couldn’t take on the bike…like Dulce de Leche! I picked up a can at a Hispanic market when we were in St George. It’s packed with carbs (sugar) and has some protein (milk) so it’s actually a great post-ride treat. It even isn’t bad during a ride. Mmm, mmm! Total ride time was 2 hours with 122 TSS and 234/238 ave/norm power.