Another Record-Breaking EHB

I guess I’m proving that the training principle of specificity really works. For as much as I do the Emmett–Horseshoe Bend loop, it may not

Sweet EHB

I was planning to do Warm Lake Road ride today, but with the forecast for Cascade looking really cold with a chance of AM showers,

Record EHB

Did my favorite local ride today, an Emmett–Horseshoe Bend loop. The forecast called for a strong northwest wind so I had a feeling I’d be

Tired EHB

Well, I should have known better but I did an Emmett Horseshoe Bend loop, even though yesterday’s ride was pretty tough. My legs weren’t too

Tuesday EHB

After a tiring Chicken Dinner road race, I decided to rest a day before riding long again. Even though it was hard due to the

Longish Ride

Rode with Kurt again today and this time he brought Nick, a friend of his from Portland. We rode west out to Emmett Rd, then

Monday EHB

I wanted back-to-back hard days so this evening I did an Emmett–Horseshoe Bend loop with Kurt. The weather was warm and I was finally able

Springtime EHB

Today is the first day of spring and it sure felt like it. It got up to 67°F in the valley with strong sunshine. I

EHB on the Down Low

With Daylight Saving Time in effect, I was able to do an impromptu Emmett Horseshoe Bend loop after work. This week I’ve been forcing myself

Tough Group Ride

A few of my teammates and I did the Emmett Rd, South Slope, Emmett–Horseshoe Bend loop today. Even though we waited until 11:00 AM to

Emmett Horseshoe Bend

We had a decent turnout for our team ride of the Emmett–Horseshoe Bend loop today. This morning we woke up to fog so I was

Beautiful Ride

Heather, Mark and I rode the Emmett–Horseshoe Bend Loop. It was a beautiful day with very little wind. We did have a slight tailwind through

Another Tough One

Heather and I rode did another mini-group ride with some of the same folks as last week. Today we headed out at 7:30 AM with

Long One

Did a long Emmett Rd to Horseshoe Bend loop and it was tough. Yesterday’s workout really took it’s toll but today I just wanted a

Good Climb

I did a great Emmett Horseshoe Bend Loop today with Ted and Mark. We started out just chatting and getting warmed up. When we hit

Long Emmett Horseshoe Bend Loop

To add a few more miles to my favorite loop, I went west to Emmett Rd then dropped down Little Freezeout and then continued through

Sub-3-Hour Emmett Horseshoe Bend

Did a fast EHB Loop today with a couple LT intervals one on Hwy 16 then the second on Old Horseshoe Bend Hill. Was able