Home & Garden

Hail Storm

Glad I wasn’t riding outside when this storm came through! This afternoon we were treated to a nasty hailstorm with marble-sized hail. Not big enough


Spring is officially here and the fruit trees are starting to show it. Our apricot and Pluot trees are both blooming, while the rest are

Fruit Tree Pruning

We have seven fruit trees in our backyard that we planted a few years ago. Since we got them when they were fairly small they

Snow Arrives

Ever since Thanksgiving, the weather has been progressively feeling more and more winter-like. Last night we finally had some snow that stuck in the valley,

Fruit Harvest

Between the tomato plants and the fruit trees both being in season right now, we came back from our weekend trip to a lot of

Air Quality Alert

Yesterday they issued an air quality red alert due to the smoke from all the wildfires around the region. We’ve continued to have a bunch

Wind Storm

Last night we had a freak wind storm come through the Boise area. There was no lightning or rain associated with it, but the wind


What’s a pluot? It’s a cross between an apricot and a plum. We were first introduced to them when we were living in Utah. They’ve


Yesterday was a long travel day. Heather and I were flying standby and I guess there was an America West flight that was canceled which

Hail Storm

Check out this hail! If you look closely you can even see some bouncing off the walkway! This storm came through about 4 o’clock this

Watch the Garden Grow

More gardening work today. I weeded the garden and tree beds. Then I covered all the tree beds with the leftover weed barrier from last

Fruits and Veggies

I finally got the garden pretty much done for now. I spent a good amount of time last week on it, tilling the soil, weeding

Day Off

Eagle, ID — I don’t know if I’m still recovering from last week’s extended rides after Valley of the Sun, or I’m feeling the effects of

Return Home

Eagle, ID — After my ride yesterday, I had time to eat well and then pack up my bike and drop it off at FedEx. Since

Tree Pruning

Eagle, ID — Time for the yearly fruit tree pruning. It’s amazing how much our seven fruit trees grow during the season. We learned that you

Giant Zucchini

With Heather so busy with her new job with New York Life Insurance Company, I’ve been tending the garden. I didn’t realize how fast zucchini

Ladybugs are Back

Last year we unleashed 1000 ladybugs to make sure our fruit trees didn’t have an aphid problem. They seemed to work for a little while

Christmas Lights

Tonight, Heather and I took a drive to see all the local Christmas lights. There’s one house here in Boise on Quail Ridge that has

Herman Miller Aeron and Steelcase Leap chairs in front of empty home office

Dueling Chairs

We finally bit the bullet and bought some furniture. Since we’re both always at the computer (that is, aside from riding), we figured we’d start

Sold our House in Utah

We finally did it, we sold our house in Pleasant Grove, UT. We actually signed the closing papers on Saturday while we were in Utah